All posts by olm

Feast of St. Matthew

Doers of the Word                       Monday, Sept. 21, St. Matthew          Your genealogy! The first interesting thing we discover about Matthew’s Gospel is that most of it is copied from the Gospel of Mark!  600 of the 660 verses are from Mark!  Matthew begins with genealogy.  One 20th century author describes what it was like to hear an ancient … Continue reading Feast of St. Matthew

“He’s doing time for the rest of us.”

Doers of the Word          Monday, Sept. 14      “He’s doing time for the rest of us.” Exultation of the Holy Cross. The first key word in John 3:16 is among the smallest, the two-letter word “so,” God so loved that. what?  That he would go this far, go the distance, go to the cross – and what … Continue reading “He’s doing time for the rest of us.”

Doers of the Word                      Sunday, Sept. 13The Numbers Game!                          Jesus has a long discourse in Chapter 18 of Matthew’s Gospel.  The Chapter begins with the disciples asking Jesus “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven?”   Jesus calls a child to his side.  He continues with some words about temptation.  Then the parable of … Continue reading