Do you leave your cash at home these days? Would you like to give, but feel uncertain as to where or how to donate? Clergy and staff are working hard to serve parishioners in this time of crisis, and the church is still very much in need of your financial support! Please consider giving online […]
Free online Catholic Marriage Summit (June 11-13)
In less than a week, thousands and thousands of couples from over a dozen countries are going to be showing up to the Free online Catholic Marriage Summit (June 11-13). Over 60 other Catholic couples including Scott & Kimberly Hahn, Bobby and Jackie Angel, and Matt & Cameron Fradd will be sharing and going deep […]
Parish Office Opening
As of Monday, June 8th, our parish office will now be OPEN! ~~¡A partir del lunes 8 de junio nuestra oficina parroquial estará abierta!
Wyoming Emergency Housing Assistance Program (WEHAP)
PROGRAM GUIDELINES Eligible WEHAP recipients may receive one month of emergency rent or mortgage payment assistance up to $2,000, with subsequent month(s) of assistance contingent upon completion of a monthly Request for Continued Assistance form attesting to the need for on-going assistance. ** For more information or to apply to this program, please visit: […]
OLM Ladies Lunch
Join us at Miazga’s! Wednesday, June 10th, from 11:30am-1:30pm. Stop by any time for good food and fellowship! We hope to see you there!
~Trinity Sunday~ Solemnidad de la Santisima Trindad
“Lord, if you are pleased with me, then go with us. Even though these people are stubborn, forgive the evil things we have done. Forgive our sin. And accept us as your people.”
Healthy You! Lunch-and-Learn
A Healthy Family Starts with a Healthy YOU! Join us on June 2nd from 12:10- 12:50pm for a “lunch and learn” about mental health during Covid-19 with the mental health professionals of the St. Joseph’s Children’s Home and with the Diocese of Cheyenne. Nosotros tendremos la capacidad para conversar en español. Join our open forum […]
New Priest Assignments
Father Lucas: With heartfelt gratitude, we say goodbye. We wish you well in your new assignment. ~~~ NEW ASSIGNMENTS FOR PRIESTS Effective July 1, 2020 Bishop Steven Biegler has announced new assignments for diocesan clergy. Of note, is the following: Rev. Lucas Simango, presently Pastor of Our Lady of the Mountains in Jackson and the […]