All posts by olm

Thank you!

Thank you to those who donated to the flower fund this Easter Season! Your generous donations will serve to keep the church decorated now through Pentecost. Many blessings to you and your loved ones! ~~~Flores de pascua¡Gracias a quienes donaron al fondo de flores esta temporada de Pascua! Sus generosas donaciones servirán para mantener la … Continue reading Thank you!

Fear & Doubt

Doers of the Word                    April 11, 2021, Mercy Sunday                  Fear & Doubt! A few years ago, the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury said that, at times, he questioned if God was really there.  He told of his first born, a seven-month-old baby girl, who was killed in a car accident.  As a teenager, he had to take care … Continue reading Fear & Doubt

Holy Thursday

Doers of the Word                      Holy Thursday 2021                                     Dusty Feet! As Jesus neared the end of his ministry, he held a dinner for His closest friends.  The gesture he performed speaks volumes.  He left his seat and found a basin and towel.  He knelt to wash the feet of the apostles at the table.  Foot-washing was an act … Continue reading Holy Thursday

Leave her Alone

Doers of the Word                Monday of Holy Week                           “Leave her alone” Let people express gratitude, affection, worship, even if their expression seems outrageous, wild, a waste of money.  Why?  They need to know that they did something for Jesus. Three spiritual writers who expressed this in their own way:  St. Teresa, “Christ has no body now on … Continue reading Leave her Alone

Palm Sunday

Doers of the Word                      Palm/Passion Sunday                Opposition heats up! Jesus rides into town on a donkey, not on a gilded chariot.  Jesus is openly declaring himself the Messiah, and the rabble rousers are about to come out in full force. Religious leaders raise an alarm, and even the Romans take note of a man claiming to be … Continue reading Palm Sunday