All posts by olm

Easy and Ntobekolo

Doers of the Word                         Sunday, August 2                 A contemporary story shows how the elements important to Matthew’s community – forgiving, healing, feeding, hope, and the ability to deal with crowds that face violence and desperation – can be lived today.  In 1993, 26-year-old Amy Biehl went as a Fulbright Scholar to help prepare the people … Continue reading Easy and Ntobekolo

Dance of Death!

Doers of the Word.                        Saturday, August 1                             Dance of Death! Commemoration of John the Baptist’s cruel death. In this dark and depressing passage, a ruler becomes so entranced by his stepdaughter’s moves that he makes a fateful promise he later regrets. Herod Antipas was a morally conflicted man.  His wife Herodias use to be married … Continue reading Dance of Death!