Stop by 201 S Jackson Street and pick up a free, carry out meal for yourself or your family. All are welcome! 5-6:00pm.
~~ In Celebration of Father Phil’s 50th Anniversary in the Priesthood ~~
After fifty years I am happy to be a priest. I am also happy to be a Benedictine for 56 years. I am happy from where I came, where I went, and where I am now. God is Good.
~~ En celebración del 50 aniversario del Padre Felipe en el sacerdocio ~~
Dios me recogió en una esquina de la calle Yakima y me llevó a un viaje de 60 años. . Seguimos yendo, y sigo siendo el pasajero.
Hearts for the Hungry
Please join Hearts for the Hungry for our FIRST take-away dinner meal!Anyone and everyone is invited to come and pick up a free, nutritious meal for yourself or a loved one. We will be serving dinner tonight — Wednesday (5/20) — from 5-6:00pm. Please access our meal service from the north side of the church […]
Current Guidelines for Mass Attendance
Our Lady of the Mountains Mass Reopening Information and Guidelines To our parishioners and visitors: After much thought and prayerful consideration, we are pleased to announce that reservations will no longer be required for attendance at our weekend Masses. We appreciate the diligent efforts of Mass-goers who have been following social distancing and hygiene measures […]
“If you love me you will keep my commandments.”
We don’t always succeed, but the trying itself pleases the one who said, “If you love me you will keep my commandments.”
Mass: Sixth Sunday of Easter
Mass for the Sixth Sunday of Easter is presented by Father Lucas Kazimiro Simango from Our Lady of the Mountains Catholic Church.
Nuevas pautas para asistencia masiva
Información y Reglas para la Reapertura de Nuestra Señora de las Montañas A nuestros feligreses y visitantes:Después de mucho pensamiento y consideración en oración, nos complace anunciar que ya no será necesario hacer reservaciones para asistir a nuestras misas de fin de semana. Apreciamos los esfuerzos diligentes de los que han asistido a misa y […]
Una carta a los feligreses
¡Hola! A partir de este fin de semana, la Iglesia Católica de Nuestra Señora de las Montañas empezara lentamente a tener Misas públicas. Seguiremos todas las restricciones diocesanas y del condado de Teton relacionadas con las medidas de distanciamiento social. Tómese un momento para revisar las reglas y procedimientos, que se incluyen como un archivo […]