All posts by olm

Let us live our lives in such a way, that people the world will say that truly we are God’s children.

Brethren, today we begin the celebration of the Holiest week in our Liturgical calendar. We commemorate Jesus’ final entry into the holy city of Jerusalem. People preceded him and welcomed him joyfully. However, this is the same group of people that turned around and shouted: “Crucify Him”. What went wrong? Jesus did not segregate. All … Continue reading Let us live our lives in such a way, that people the world will say that truly we are God’s children.

Que tengas una bendita Semana Santa

Hermanos, hoy comenzamos la celebración de la semana más sagrada en nuestro calendario litúrgico. Conmemoramos la última entrada de Jesús en la ciudad santa de Jerusalén. La gente lo precedió y lo acogió con alegría. Sin embargo, este es el mismo grupo de personas que se dieron la vuelta y gritaron: “Crucificarlo”. ¿Qué salió mal? … Continue reading Que tengas una bendita Semana Santa