All posts by admin

Week of Prayer & Action

A Prayer for the Global Migration Campaign Adonai, Lord and Master, Many are the journeys your people have taken: Abraham’s journey led from fear to under-standing; Moses’ journey led from bondage to liberty; the disciples’ journey led from death to new life. Even today, your people journey—immigrants and refugees, pilgrims and no-mads, searching for hope, … Continue reading Week of Prayer & Action

Handbell Choir

Handbell Choir We need a few more people to ring handbells.  All adults and High School students that would like to learn to play handbells are invited to join the Handbell Choir.  Rehearsals on Thursday evenings from 6:00-8:00 PM.  Basic music reading skills are helpful, such as knowing how to “count” the various types of … Continue reading Handbell Choir