All posts by admin

Lost & Found

We are cleaning out our Lost & Found stash. Please take a gander at the items to see if any are yours. They will be in the Parish Hall for one week and then they will be donated.  

Creating a Culture of Life

The phrase “culture of life” is a term used in discussion of moral theology. It is a way of life based upon the theological truth that human life at all stages, from conception through natural death, is sacred.

Spanish Choir Practice

Our Spanish-speaking Choir practices are for an hour and half on Fridays after the 7 p.m. Mass. If you would like to know more about this choir, and if you would like to join, please speak with the Choir leader, Rubén, after the 7 p.m. Mass this Friday.

Thank you for your help!

The following services were rendered to the church last weekend. 1.Carpet Cleaning & General Cleaning of Rectory 1 2.Construction of a new shed—Huck Henneberry 3.Staining of our new shed 4.Deep clean of the Kitchen—H & M Cleaning Services: Paty Huerta, Sergio Saldivar, Vera Hernández, Félix Gómez. Premier Cleaning: Monet, Rosi Hernández, Diana Ramirez, and Gabriela.