All posts by admin

Encounter Cesia

We encounter Cesia in Nicaragua, where, despite a lack of economic opportunity, young people pursue their dreams by building businesses to better their lives. How can you work to improve the lives of others this Lent? How can you support those, worldwide, who are forced to flee their homes to find safety or better opportunities? … Continue reading Encounter Cesia

Encounter Majd In Iraq

We encounter Majd and his family, people forced to flee violence, searching for stability. How are we called to welcome the stranger in our midst? How can you support those, worldwide, who are forced to flee their homes to find safety or better opportunities? Visit for more.      

Wyoming Legislature Communications

The 64th session of the Wyoming Legislature is underway. To stay current on the bills, please visit this web link: Deacon Mike Lenman is the Diocese of Cheyenne Legislative liaison. He will be communicating important bills as the session continues. We will pass this information along in future bulletins. So, please stay tuned!

Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast – February 25, 2018. Note Date Change

PANCAKE BREAKFAST DATE CHANGE This month, the Knights of Columbus World-Famous Pancake Breakfast is on the fourth Sunday of the month, February 25, at 11 a.m. We will whip up a batch of homemade butter-milk pancakes. The batter is made with real buttermilk, flour, sugar and the mystery ingredients to make our pancakes world-famous! We … Continue reading Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast – February 25, 2018. Note Date Change