All posts by admin

Christmas Greens Sales

The JCCW will be taking orders for Christmas Greens after Mass this weekend.  Items include fresh, real  evergreen wreaths, centerpieces, and garland. These items will be delivered at the Bazaar on November 17.  Proceeds will benefit the general fund of the JCCW, which supports overall parish outreach including funeral dinners, special events, flowers for the sanctuary, and coffee and donuts. It’s not too early to plan for Christmas; greens make … Continue reading Christmas Greens Sales

Spiritual Care (Chaplain) Volunteers Needed at Hospital

We’d like to get a few more Catholics on our team.  We offer compassionate and nurturing care to the patients, residents, families, as well as staff of St. John’s Medical Center while honoring ethnic, cultural, religious, and lifestyle diversity. We make ourselves available to listen, understand, encourage, and support. When you prayerfully consider this call, … Continue reading Spiritual Care (Chaplain) Volunteers Needed at Hospital