God saves the best rewards for eternity.

Doers of the Word.
Labor Day, Sept. 7
Thank God it’s Monday!

God sees all work as valuable, and we will answer to Him for how we have carried
out the tasks that were given to us or we freely choose. “The work of each will
come to light, for the Day will disclose it. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire
will test the qualities of each one’s work.” (1 Cor. 3:13)
God delegates His work to everyone. The Bible’s main characters are ranchers,
farmers, fishermen, winemakers, ironworkers, carpenters, tent makers, textile
manufacturers, government officials, construction workers and supervisors,
military personnel, financiers, physicians, judges, tax collectors, musicians,
sculptures, dancers, poets, writers, etc. Nowhere does God diminish their worth
or dismiss their work. Their labors accomplish His purposes and reflect His image.
“My Father has been working until now, and I have been working,” said Jesus.
(John 5:17)
Work is a gift from God. Work is one of God’s best gifts. “Moreover, that all can
eat and drink and enjoy the good of all their toil – this is a gift of God.”
(Ecclesiastes 3:13) “Those to whom God gives riches and property, and grants
power to partake of them, so that they receive their lot and find joy in their fruits,
their toil, this is a gift from God.” (Eccles. 5:18). “For they will hardly dwell on the
shortness of life, because God lets them busy themselves with the joy of their
heart.” (Eccles. 5:19)
God remains intimately connected with both His world and its workers. He holds
creation together and works to restore it from sin. And He uses our efforts to
accomplish His purposes. And He actively watches over our work.
God saves the best rewards for eternity. He rewards us according to how we
have spent our lives, including working hours.
God wants us to pursue cycles of meaningful work and restorative rest. God
never intended for us to work seven days a week, but every day of the week is
equally important to Him. He invites us to join Him in a weekly day of rest,
renewal and celebration, so that we can return to work with a fresh sense of
purpose, thanking Him for Monday!