From: JCCW
RE: Salute to Father Lucas
This Sunday, July 26th, is Fr. Lucas’ last Sunday with us. Although we are unable to hold a traditional farewell event due to COVID, we still want Father Lucas to know how grateful and appreciative we are of his ministry and to send him off with style! Please plan to join us after the 10:00am Mass for a rousing OLM thank you and farewell car parade for Father Lucas!
How can you participate?
Create a yard card – A thank you, a prayer, a spiritual gift, a special note – on a card which will be “planted” in his front yard (small cards, or cards that are up to ½ of a poster board in size).
Be creative and use your imagination! Purchase a card or use colorful paper to create a flower-shaped greeting that will be assembled into a “bouquet” of well-wishes and prayers! Spiritual “gifts” (i.e.: Your intention to pray a rosary on Father Lucas’ behalf, attending a Mass, fasting…whatever the Lord leads you to offer as a spiritual gift to Father) should be written on paper flowers that can be displayed as part of a card bouquet.
Please leave cards and other creations with OLM office staff by Saturday, July 25th, at 1:00pm. Lynne and Mary will “plant” these cards on Saturday between 1:00 and 3:00pm. If you would like to assist, please do!
Attend our Send-off parade after the 10:00am Mass on July 26th! Come to Mass with balloons, car signs, streamers ready to go when the event starts (we’d love for everyone at Mass to stay and participate afterwards!). If you are not attending Mass, swing by and line up around 10:45am. Following Mass, we will have someone lead Father Lucas to a prime viewing location in front of the Rectory. One of the Knights will lead the parade.
We will leave the church parking lot and take the following route:
Left onto Hansen up to the Brew Pub
Left onto Millward for 1 block,
Left onto Simpson for 2 blocks
Left onto Clissold. Slow down at the Rectory and wave and shout something nice to Father.
Left onto Hansen. We can go around the route again if people wish to.
We have requested permission from the town for a special event. There will not be a police escort, so participants must follow traffic signs. Please do not block sidewalks or traffic flow.
Thank you for helping the Parish say thank you to Father Lucas!