Living & Giving in Christ Update

The annual diocesan appeal is an opportunity for us to be good stewards of God’s gifts as we share with other Catholics our treasure and our blessing. Living & Giving in Christ gives us the opportunity to act together as a family of faith and support the programs and services no single individual or parish can offer themselves.

OLM’s Living and Giving Goal:  $101,024.00

Amount Pledged to Date:  $ 78 671.61

Participation: 83 out of 665 families

Every gift, regardless of size, is vital to the success of the Appeal. If you have not made your pledge, please pick up a pledge envelope in the Gathering Area. You may return the completed form to the Parish office or mail it directly to the Diocese of Cheyenne.

Your generosity helps the Diocese carry on the ministry of salvation. With a grateful and prayerful heart,
                         Fr. Lucas Kazimiro Simango