Guidelines and Applications
We are delighted to have you consider celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage in our parish community. We encourage you to carefully read the information on this and the Marriage Guideline pages. Should you have further questions, please feel free to call the Parish Office at 307-733-2516.
Para obtener pautas y aplicaciones en español, visite esta página o llame a la oficina parroquial para hablar con Lizzet (307.733.2516):
Bodas | Our Lady of the Mountains (
Marriage Guidelines for Parishioners
Marriage Guidelines for Non-Parishioners
OLM-Wedding Reservation Form – email completed form to
Our Facilities

Grand Teton National Park
Marriage Preparation
All engaged couples getting married within the next year must contact their local Pastor or Deacon at least 6 months prior to the date of wedding. For Our Lady of the Mountains members, please call the Parish Office – (307) 733-2516.
Requested Donation/ Donation Requerida
The requested donation for weddings is as follows:
Non-parishioners – $2,000.00
Parishioners- $100.00
The donation list applies to the Sacred Heart Chapel and Our Lady of the Mountains Church.