With the beginning of Lent, we are pleased to introduce new missals and hymnals to enhance the celebration of the liturgy and worship.  We are grateful to the committee who sought to embrace and address the needs of our diverse parish community. 

Our blue hymnal Gather will continue to be a mainstay for our parish.  This hymnal has a diverse selection of sacred Catholic music that includes the Liturgy of the Hours, eleven Mass settings, and music to accommodate our bilingual Masses.

Unidos en Cristo/United in Christ is our new bilingual hymnal.  Our Latino community has established a vibrant choir and they are a valuable aspect of their Mass celebration.  This hymnal will enhance their worship while providing musical selections for our English Masses.  This hymnal is a three-year music resource.

In answer to St. John Paul II call for spreading the gospel with new methods and expressions, we are pleased to introduce the new Spirit and Song hymnal.  This hardbound hymnal was initially published to meet the needs of young adults and retreat centers, and now is common resource for parishes who desire a theological sound selection of contemporary music. This hymnal will be used during Masses that feature our Praise Ensemble and Duo.

Along with the hymnals we are introducing the seasonal missal Unidos en Cristo/United in Christ.  This bilingual missal provides the Order of Mass, readings, psalms and antiphons.

Many may remember the last time we introduced the new Gather Hymnal.  Our parishioners had the opportunity to dedicate a hymnal in memory of a deceased love one or to honor their family and friends.  We would like to make this available again.  For a donation of $15, those who donate will be able to designate a specific inscription to be placed in the front of the of one of our Spirit and Song hymnals. 

To partake in this opportunity, please see the Hymnal Donation Order Form on the back page of this article.   Please fill it out and return the form with payment to the Parish Office or drop it in the Sunday collection.  In addition, you may download the form from our website and pay via online giving.

Should you have further questions, please see Susan Shepard, clergy or parish staff member.