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Nativity Display on the Town Square
@ Town Square
Nativity Display on the Town Square
@ Town Square
Jan 2 all-day
Thanks to a faithful group of parishioners, there will be a Nativity display on the Town Square from December 20th to Jan 3rd. Please take some time out of the hustle and bustle of the[...]
Nativity Scene on Town Square
Office Closure/La oficina estará cerrada
@ OLM Office
Office Closure/La oficina estará cerrada
@ OLM Office
Jan 2 all-day
Our parish office will be CLOSED December 24th, December 25th and January 1st. ~~ Nuestra oficina parroquial estara cerrada los dias de Nochebuena, Navidad y Año Nuevo. Te deseamos unas Feliz Navidad!
Adoration Canceled/Cancelacion de Adoracion
Adoration Canceled/Cancelacion de Adoracion
Jan 2 all-day
There will be no Adoration on the Thursdays following Christmas Day or New Year’s Day. Cancelacion de Adoracion No habra Adoracion los jueves despues del dia de Navidad y Año Nuevo.
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Knight of Columbus Meeting
Knight of Columbus Meeting
Jan 2 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Join with Google Hangouts: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/cDdmODFqajF2MDhrdjFoNGd0MW5mNmRoZ2NAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ.7c6qvlnde6suimoupq85v5l7of?hs=121