Contact: Amelia Mayer
Mary’s Daughters strives to bring women of all agestogether through prayer, community, and fellowship. Join us for rosary, studyand reflection, and activities to grow in our faith. Children are welcome tojoin.
The group meets on Thursday mornings from 9-11:00 am in theParish Hall
Whyjoin this ministry?
This new ministry is for women looking to add a bit of peace and calm to theirday while meeting other women. Come pray and learn with us then stay to chatand connect.
Those in need of a free lunch are welcome to come to our lunch program. Please use the north door on Simpson Street.
Facility: Church
Fr. Lucas does the 8 a.m. Mass every Friday.
Join with Google Hangouts:
The Holiday Bazaar is BACK!
The Jackson Council of Catholic Women is pleased to announce the Holiday Bazaar, Bake Sale, Christmas Items, Auction and Luncheon is back! Mark your calendar for Saturday, November 20, 2021, in the Parish Hall.
We are looking for bake sale items, auction items, and volunteers to help in many areas. Covid safety rules will be in place.
Please contact Yvonne at 690-2614 to sign up as a volunteer or for more information.¡
Vuelve el bazar navideño!
El Consejo de Mujeres Católicas de Jackson anuncia que el bazar navideño, la venta de pasteles, los artículos navideños, la subasta y el almuerzo están de regreso! Marque su calendario para el sábado 20 de noviembre de 2021 en el Salón Parroquial.
Estamos buscando artículos de venta de pasteles, artículos de subasta y voluntarios para ayudar en muchas áreas.
Se implementarán las reglas de seguridad de Covid.
Comuníquese con Yvonne al 690-2614 para inscribirse como voluntario o para obtener más información.
Those in need of a free lunch are welcome to come to our lunch program. Please use the north door on Simpson Street.
Join with Google Hangouts: