You may have noticed that we’ve begun saying the Mass intention during the Prayers of the Faithful. The Mass is the most powerful and perfect prayer available to the world. At the Mass, Jesus offers himself to the Father, and the graces from that most perfect offering overflow into our lives, to bring us peace, […]
Aj Best
Altar Servers Needed
Altar Servers: Our parish is in need of older youth and adults for Altar Servers. Please consider this opportunity and gift to praise our Lord by serving at Mass. Serving with your child can be a wonderful and faith building experience. All servers must have already received first communion. At this time, we need to […]
No Time to Read the Bible? Listen on FORMED!
Now you can experience the Gospel the way the early Christians did—by listening —anytime, anywhere! The award-winning Truth and Life Dramatized Audio Bible is now available on FORMED. To listen, go to and create a profile using OLM’s access code: 54063.
Children’s Content now Available on Formed
Your children will love the new content available for them on FORMED — programs, ebooks, movies, and talks that will entertain, engage, and inspire them with the beauty and wonder of their faith. If you have not already signed up, go to and create a profile using Our La-dy of the Mountain’s access code: […]
Live Streaming of Masses in Parish Hall
We now have live streaming of all 10:00 amSunday Masses available in the Parish Hall. This is ideal for anyone who needs to leave the church during Mass. You won’t miss out and you’ll know when it is time to come back in for communion.
Who is invited to join the Catholic Church?
We are ready to begin our RCIA/RCIC program. If you have : Been worshiping with us, but never officially took the step to become Catholic? Been away from the church … and have now returned, but want to know more? Been a Catholic all your life, but never celebrated all of the Sacraments of Initiation: […]
FORMED – The Best Catholic Content, All in One Place
The Best Catholic Content. All in One Place. OLM has purchased a FORMED subscription for all parishioners to use. FORMED is a revolutionary online platform featuring the best Catholic videos, audio talks, eBooks and movies from trusted partners like the Augustine Institute, St Paul Center, Marian Fathers, Lighthouse Catholic Media, Ignatius Press and Word on […]
Welcome to OLM
WELCOME Have you just moved to this area? Are you just visiting? Have you been bereaved? Are you struggling in life? Have you lost your job? Is your health failing? Are you a returning member of our faith family? Did we offend you, but failed to apologize? We would like you to know that you […]
New Schedule for Presentations, Baptisms, Quinceaneras
Beginning the first Sunday of Advent, November 27, our parish will celebrate Baptisms on the first Saturday of every month at 11:00 AM, Quinceaneras on the second Saturday of every month and Presentations every Friday at 7:00 PM.