Join everyone in conversation with the Director of the Good Samaritan Mission, Chuck Fidroeff. We will meet THIS SUNDAY at 9:00 AM in the Parish Hall for fellowship. Chuck is a man with a deep love of Jesus and a heart for all who are hurting, hungry or homeless in Jackson Hole. You are welcome […]
Aj Best
Hospitality and Housecleaning
Before you leave the church, please straighten the missalettes, hymnals, and envelopes in your pew.
Spanish Mass Schedule Change effective July 9, 2017
From May 14 to June 18, votes were cast to determine the new time for our Sunday Mass in Spanish. Following are the results. 253 votes total 113 for 12 PM 91 for 7 PM 25 for 5 PM 4 people voted for two Masses, which canceled each other out 6 people voted for a […]
Parish Master Calendar
The clergy and staff have implemented a new master calendar for the parish. This calendar will include all liturgical and parish activities. If you want to host an activity or use a parish facility for any reason, please contact the parish office to reserve space and get on the calendar.
They Call Me “Bishop Steven”
I understand that people have been asking about how I would like to be addressed. My preference is to be called “Bishop Steven,” rather than Bishop Biegler. However, I will not be fussy about it, so please do not worry about it if you forget. Why “Bishop Steven”? Steven is my baptismal name, and the […]
Hearing Assistance Available
Our new sound system has two new capabilities. We have one device with an earphone attached. We have another device for hearing aids that are equipped with a T-Switch. Both are very easy to use. If you’d like to use one, please ask an usher before Mass.
Parish Office Closed Thursday Afternoons
The clergy, staff, and leadership of OLM have realized that the most important thing that we can do to serve this parish is to pray for the parish. Starting on April 6th the office will be closed at noon on Thursdays. From noon to 1 will be the normal lunch hour, and then from 1-2 […]
Our Parish Needs Eucharistic Ministers
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion help distribute Christ’s Body and Blood during the Mass, they help Communion to go smoothly, and they allow us to distribute both the Body and Blood during Mass. All Catholics in good standing (Baptized and Confirmed, and if married, married in the Church) are eligible, and we are happy to […]
The Most Reverend Steven Biegler is named the new Bishop of the Diocese of Cheyenne
It is with great joy that the Diocese of Cheyenne received the news that our Holy Father, Pope Francis, announced in Rome today, the appointment of The Most Reverend Steven Biegler as the Ninth Bishop of Cheyenne. Bishop-elect Biegler, 57, is pastor of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Rapid City, South […]
Children’s Movies Now on FORMED!
Saints & Heroes available in English and Spanish Saints & Heroes movies use comedy, song, captivating illustrations and heart-warming emotion to tell the tales of some of the great saints and epic heroes of the faith. OLM Parish Code: 54063