Parish Choir Schedules

Adult Choir The Adult Choir meets on Wednesdays from 5:30-8:00 p.m. Children’s Choir The Children’s Choir meets on Sundays from 11:00-11:30 a.m. Spanish Choir The Spanish Choir meets on Fridays after the 7:00 p.m. Mass. If you or your children are interested in joining any of the choirs, feel free to show up at the […]

Homemade Pancake Breakfast in Jackson

We whip up a batch of buttermilk pancakes every third Sunday (with the exception of summer months). The batter is made from scratch with real buttermilk, flour, sugar and all the mystery ingredients to make our pancakes world-famous! We also provide sausage or ham, potatoes with green peppers, onions and seasonings with juice and coffee […]

Book of Remembrance

Through November, the Book of Remembrance is available to the left of the altar. The tradition is to enter the names of our beloved deceased in honor of their lives.

Creating a Culture of Life

The phrase “culture of life” is a term used in discussion of moral theology. It is a way of life based upon the theological truth that human life at all stages, from conception through natural death, is sacred.

Spanish Choir Practice

Our Spanish-speaking Choir practices are for an hour and half on Fridays after the 7 p.m. Mass. If you would like to know more about this choir, and if you would like to join, please speak with the Choir leader, Rubén, after the 7 p.m. Mass this Friday.

Thank you for your help!

The following services were rendered to the church last weekend. 1.Carpet Cleaning & General Cleaning of Rectory 1 2.Construction of a new shed—Huck Henneberry 3.Staining of our new shed 4.Deep clean of the Kitchen—H & M Cleaning Services: Paty Huerta, Sergio Saldivar, Vera Hernández, Félix Gómez. Premier Cleaning: Monet, Rosi Hernández, Diana Ramirez, and Gabriela.