Encounter Cesia

We encounter Cesia in Nicaragua, where, despite a lack of economic opportunity, young people pursue their dreams by building businesses to better their lives. How can you work to improve the lives of others this Lent? How can you support those, worldwide, who are forced to flee their homes to find safety or better opportunities? […]

Encounter Majd In Iraq

We encounter Majd and his family, people forced to flee violence, searching for stability. How are we called to welcome the stranger in our midst? How can you support those, worldwide, who are forced to flee their homes to find safety or better opportunities? Visit crsricebowl.org for more.      

Musical Changes during Lent

In receiving Holy Communion, we become one as the mystical body of Christ. To represent this unity, we are singing a short refrain for the communion song. This is sung without musical accompaniment and without printed music. The assembly/congregation takes on the music leadership role by continuing to sing while the musicians receive communion. In […]

Liturgical Changes During Lent

Please note that, this Sunday, the music at Mass and the way in which we sing will be different than usual. The intention is to achieve unity through the communal repetition of short musical refrains. As we practice this new way of singing, we will better understand how it works.   Additionally, stay tuned in the […]

Encounter Lent – CRS Rice Bowl

Join our faith community—and nearly 14,000 Catholic communities across the United States—in a life-changing Lenten journey of encounter, by using CRS Rice Bowl. Either your child(ren) will receive their Rice Bowl in FF class or you may pick up your family’s CRS Rice Bowl from the Gathering Area on February 25. During the 40 days […]

Wyoming Legislature Communications

The 64th session of the Wyoming Legislature is underway. To stay current on the bills, please visit this web link: http://legislative.dioceseofcheyenne.org/bill-tracker-2/. Deacon Mike Lenman is the Diocese of Cheyenne Legislative liaison. He will be communicating important bills as the session continues. We will pass this information along in future bulletins. So, please stay tuned!