Musical Notes | October 27-28

The 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time presents readings that acknowledge that through God’s Amazing Grace we are healed and saved no matter what our weaknesses or strengths are.  We gather as a community to worship God, receive Jesus’s love for us, and praise Jesus for all He has done for us.  Opening the service is […]

Attention High School Students!

All high school students in the Diocese of Cheyenne are invited to the annual Ride for the Brand Retreat Weekend happening November 17-18, 2018 in Thermopolis, Wyoming.  The cost for attending is only $50 per person, but the deadline to register is Sunday, November 4th.   For more information and to get registered, visit:

Junior High Ministry | November 5

All 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students are invited to meet for pizza, games, and faith ministry on Monday, November 5 from 6-7 p.m. in the St. Joe Room downstairs. Sign-up is free, but space is limited. Pick up your ticket after the Sunday Masses on November 4, or contact Sarah Beth at the parish […]

Christmas Greens Sales

The JCCW will be taking orders for Christmas Greens after Mass this weekend.  Items include fresh, real  evergreen wreaths, centerpieces, and garlands. These items will be delivered at the Bazaar on November 17.  Proceeds will benefit the general fund of the JCCW, which supports overall parish outreach including funeral dinners, special events, flowers for the sanctuary, and coffee and donuts. It’s not too early to plan for Christmas; greens make […]

Join the Knights of Columbus!

The Knights of Columbus will offer a first degree ceremony at our next monthly meeting on November 1st at 6:30 pm (immediately following the Mass for All Saints Day). Anyone interested in joining the Knights should come to that ceremony. If you are unsure what the Knights are all about, please contact one of us.

Raffle for Yeti Coolers | Update

As of last weekend, there are only 24 raffle tickets left to sell for the two Yeti coolers (a 65 quart and a 45 quart). Thank you to everybody for supporting the Knights of Columbus and their various charitable endeavors.