Message from Our Diocese

Recently it has come to Bishop Steven’s attention that a woman, Jennie Spin, has been presenting herself to parishioners in various parts of the state as Sister Jennie Spin, a Third Order Religious, wearing a full habit. Religious who are working in the diocese are to have a written agreement between the diocesan bishop and their […]

Lost & Found Table in Parish Hall

We are cleaning out our Lost & Found box. Please take a look at the items on the Lost & Found table in the Parish Hall to see if any are yours. They will be in the Parish Hall this weekend, and then they will be donated. Lost keys must be claimed in the parish […]

Fundraiser Info from the Knights

Both the fish fry from last Lent and the pancake breakfast this year have so far netted $3,257.54, which goes to help support our Wyoming seminarians. Our fly rod and Yeti cooler raffles netted $1,165.35, which can be used for our various causes. For Turning Point Pregnancy Center, the Knights netted $22,318.51; this includes the […]

Yeti Cooler Winners

The drawing for the two Yeti coolers was held last Sunday. Susie Palmer was the first name drawn and chose the big cooler. Cris Dippel won the smaller cooler. Congratulations, Susie and Cris!

OLM Women’s Lunch Club | November 13

All women of the parish are invited to meet for a no-host lunch the second Tuesday of each month, anytime between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. at eLeaven Food Co., 175 Center Street (near Home Ranch parking lot). The next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 13. See you there! For questions, call Carol Parker […]

Musical Notes | November 10-11

The readings for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time teach us that the Lord will provide, as shown by the widow of Zarephath sharing what little she has with Elijah in the first reading.  We open the service with “God of Day and God of Darkness” (# 859), followed by the Psalm “Praise the Lord, […]

Thanksgiving Schedule

Thanksgiving Schedule There will be one Mass at 10:00 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day (Thursday, November 22). There will be no Adoration or Confessions that day. The parish office will be closed on Thursday and Friday. Blessing of Bread and Grapes We will have a blessing of bread and grapes following the 10:00 a.m. Mass on […]