The Knights of Columbus will be hosting a pancake breakfast after the 10:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, February 10. All are invited.
Aj Best
Lectors Meeting | February 9-10
Attention all current Lectors and all those wishing to become Lectors: There will be a meeting for all current Lectors and those wishing to become Lectors on the weekend of February 9-10, immediately after the 5:30 p.m. Saturday Mass (in the church) and immediately after the 8:00 a.m. (in the Parish Hall) and 10:00 a.m. […]
Fund to Assist Government Employees
The local Knights of Columbus council has created a relief fund for parishioners who are federal employees and have been affected by the government shutdown. If you fall into this category and are in need of financial assistance, please contact a member of the clergy.
Adult Education Series on the Mass | January 29
The Adult Education Series that started last week will continue this week on Tuesday, January 29 at 6:00 p.m. in the St. Joseph’s Room. The evening will consist of a video and discussion. Even if you didn’t come last week, you can still join this week; we hope to see you there!
Jackson Community Blood Drive
A Jackson Community Blood Drive will be held on Wednesday, February 13 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Thursday, February 14 from 7:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. at Shepherd of the Mountains Lutheran Church-Narthex. Contact Vitalant at 877-258-4825. Use sponsor code Jackson.
Text Messages from Our Parish
We recently started using a text messaging service called Flocknote. We will be sending periodic text messages that are relevant and useful for parishioners of our parish. If you receive a text message and would like to unsubscribe from the service, simply reply to the text message with the word STOP. We hope you will […]
JCCW Women’s Retreat
Save the Date! March 16, 2019 Please join us for our Lenten Women’s Retreat. “Persevering in Faith” We have a very special day planned. Women from our parish community will come together to share their own personal journeys of faith inspired by the saints and women of the Bible. More details will be included as […]
Message from Shaun Garrison
Dear OLM family, Hello! I am so excited to be with you on February 24th for the upcoming parish mission. Our Catholic faith is an amazing treasure. Through speaking and music, I hope to share with you the dynamic adventure of the Christian life – the radiantly joyful life to which you and I are […]
Musical Notes | January 26-27
There are eight Sundays in Ordinary Time before Lent commences on March 6th. They are distinct from the special liturgical seasons and focus on our coming together in worship and music to reflect on Christ generally, his role in our daily lives, and our Lord’s grace. In the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, the readings […]
Music Schedule | January 26-27, February 2-3
January 26-27 5:30 p.m.: Adult Choir8:00 a.m.: Cantor10:00 a.m.: Contemporary Ensemble February 2-3 5:30 p.m.: Adult Choir8:00 a.m.: Cantor10:00 a.m.: Cantor