Our Parish is involved in the Ministry of cooking dinner once a month at our local Mission. Many wonderful parishioners take turns to serve these less fortunate men and women, usually about 20 people. Won’t you please consider joining the group? Groups of 3 or 4 people cook only once or twice a year! That is the only commitment, other than your time. The food ALL comes from the Mission larders. If you have any questions, please contact Susie Palmer at 733-6391 for more information. This is one of the most rewarding things we have ever done. The diners are so appreciative, helpful and humble.
Earlier Post
Our Year of Mercy effort to begin cooking dinner at the Good Samaritan Mission once a month is now underway! Our Lady of the Mountains is on their calendar for the second Wednesday of each month. Several ladies from the JCCW have signed up and we want to encourage anyone in our parish who has a heart for this service to sign up as well. We have all the information you need, and the Mission provides all the food. We cook the meal, serve it and clean up. A team of 4 people is ideal. This is a work of mercy that has bountiful blessings for the recipients as well as the workers. You can jump in on a team already signed up and/or you can offer just to serve, clean up, whatever. You know your gifts! Please consider joining us to Feed the Hungry, Give Drink to the Thirsty. For more information or to sign up, contact Susie Palmer: susie.palmer@hotmail.com.