The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time presents readings that acknowledge that Jesus challenges his followers to place discipleship above wealth—that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for the wealthy to enter the kingdom of God. But by giving away what they have to someone needy, they can reap greater rewards.
Opening the service is “The Summons” (# 790), followed by the Psalm asking “Fill Us with Your Love, O Lord” (# 1174) and the Gospel Acclamation (#231), drawing on the Beatitudes. “Seek Ye First” (#658) and “Lord When You Came to the Seashore” (#781) speak to God’s Word, challenging us to be attached to Jesus, and to him alone. The Mass closes with “We Are Called” (#807).
Amazing Parish on liturgical music: Music creates an environment of peace, prayer, community and engagement….Its primary purpose is to help us praise and worship God.
Our music ministry needs a few more people to ring handbells. All adults and high school students who would like to learn to play handbells are invited to join the Handbell Choir. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Basic music reading skills are helpful, such as knowing how to “count” the various types of notes and being able to discern whether a note is a line or a space note on the music staff. If you are interested, please see Ron at the organ after Mass.