The musical theme for this 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time focuses on love, our commitment to love in community and in marriage, and God’s love of us.
We will open with “All Are Welcome” (Hymn 850), affirming our commitment to creating a welcoming house of faith where God’s love for all can be found. The Responsorial Psalm is “May the Lord Bless Us” (#86). Our Preparation Hymn, “When Love is Found” (#966), celebrates the lifelong commitment of marriage with all of its joys and struggles. The Communion Hymn, “I Have Loved You,” recognizes God’s everlasting love for us and the importance of deepening our relationship with God. Finally, we close with “Joyful, Joyful We Adore You.” This hymn is set to Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy,” reminding us that God’s love is all around us and that we can share that love with each other.
Our music ministry needs a few more people to ring handbells. All adults and high school students who would like to learn to play handbells are invited to join the Handbell Choir. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Basic music reading skills are helpful, such as knowing how to “count” the various types of notes and being able to discern whether a note is a line or a space note on the music staff. If you are interested, please see Ron at the organ after Mass.