Parishes need to follow transmission statistics for their county and adjust protocols to fit what is appropriate for their county’s situation.
Face masks are strongly encouraged for all and especially for those not vaccinated.
Hymnals and missalettes still may be used.
There are no restrictions on singing if face masks are worn.
During the Sign of Peace, people should use a no-touch gesture (e.g., bow, nod, wave, etc.) with those outside of their household.
Those distributing Communion must wear masks; parishioners must wear masks in the receiving line.
Those receiving Communion on the tongue still are permitted to receive at any time during the regular distribution of Communion.
Adoration chapels may be used with face masks strongly encouraged, especially for those not vaccinated. Air sanitizer or filtration system with UV-A-C light is recommended in the room.
In compliance with CDC guidelines, Confessionals may be used with face masks strongly encouraged where physical distancing is not possible.