Where We Are Today at OLM with our Music Program:
The pandemic has forced us to alter OLM’s music program greatly. We are required by state and church authorities to strictly limit the number of singers/musicians until such time as the incidence of virus cases is under greater control and we will be allowed to resume more normal musical practices.
Our Current Situation
During this time, we must rely solely on volunteer talent. We can use only two musicians at a time, ideally one singer and one instrumentalist.
My eventual goal as OLM’s music coordinator is to again achieve the level of musical excellence our Church has long enjoyed, and during our liturgical celebrations, to bring to our congregation the gift of beautiful, varied, liturgically correct and well performed music. In the meantime, we are doing our best to have sung music at the 10.00 Mass on Sundays. We simply do not at present have the luxury of enough musicians to help us with the other Masses.
How Our Parishoners Can Help
We need pianists and keyboardists. In our lovely sanctuary is a most wonderful Steinway B Grand Piano and a good digital classical organ. I am hoping that there are among our Catholic community in Jackson Hole several musicians who would enjoy making music for Our Lord at our liturgies, and who would also find pleasure in playing such fine instruments. If enough musicians come forward, the burden need not be heavy, and assignments could be rotated.
We need guitarists. We have several trained cantors but they need accompanists. Again, assignments could be rotated to ensure sharing of burdens.
Our Lady Singers, OLM’s musical singing group, cannot be active until the above restrictions are lifted, but we will be glad to incorporate more singers and instrumentalists once we are able to return to our former practices.
Please contact Susan Shepard, OLM’s Coordinator of Music, at 307 690 5106 with questions, comments and, hopefully, information and/or offers of help!
With my most grateful appreciation!
Susan Shepard