A letter to the Parish

Dear fellow parishioners,

During this time of uncertainty, we all may find ourselves feeling afraid, sad, or even angry. We hunger for the Eucharistic feast as we find new ways to maintain our communion. Keep in mind, however, that Jesus is with us always and everywhere, and, while public celebrations of the sacraments are suspended, we continue to be united in prayer and in our solidarity with those who are practicing social distancing for the good health of all people in our community and across the world.

I will stay in touch with you either through letters, our website (http://olmcatholic.org/), social media, and telephone. The bulletin will be available online and at the Church entrance each week, and, although there will be no public celebration of the sacraments, the church will be open. Please come and pray individually.

If you do come to pray individually, please protect yourself and others by following guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html). First, and foremost if you are sick, stay home. When you enter the Church either wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds or use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol and be certain to cover your entire hand. Avoid touching surfaces and maintain a distance of at least six feet when other people are present.

You also will find resources for prayer and faith sharing, as well as helpful links and articles on The Living Church in a Time of Crisis Website (http://dioceseofcheyenne.org/covid19/). In addition, Bishop Biegler will offer Mass in both Spanish and English, which will be uploaded to that website and the Diocese of Cheyenne Facebook page every Sunday morning. The Sunday Mass on ABC at 9:00 AM each Sunday also can be seen.

Sadly, without weekly collections over the duration of suspension of public Masses, our parish will face some financial complications. Please consider continuing your regular parish financial commitment during these weeks without Mass. You can make your contribution online (https://olmcatholic.org/donate/) or mail your weekly donation in the envelope provided. Please know how grateful I am for any financial support you are able to offer. If it is not possible for you to meet your financial commitment due to your own difficulties during this time, please be assured of my prayers for you.

Remember, you are not alone. We are on this journey together, and through courage and solidarity, we will strengthen our relationships with the Lord and with one another. Be not afraid and place your trust in Jesus.

Fr. Lucas Kazimiro Simango


201 S. Jackson St., P.O. Box 992, Jackson, WY 83001