Servants of the Eternal High Priest
Speaking to altar servers, Pope John Paul II depicted their role as “not only a duty but a great honour, a true holy service” (John Paul II, General Audience (1 August 2001), §2). He saw their place at the altar as “a privileged place in liturgical celebrations,” thus making them “more than mere ’helpers of the parish priest.’ Above all,” he said, altar servers “are servants of Jesus Christ, the eternal High Priest” (John Paul II, General Audience (1 August 2001), §3).
Encourage Your Child to Become an Altar Server
The alter server ministry enriches a child’s vocational discernment. Pope John Paul II described this enrichment, saying, “How beautiful it would be if some of you could discover a vocation to the priesthood! Jesus Christ urgently needs young people who generously make themselves available to him without reserve. Furthermore, might not the Lord also be calling some of you girls to embrace the consecrated life in order to serve the Church and the brethren? Also for those who would like to be united in marriage, an altar server’s service teaches that an authentic union must always include readiness for reciprocal and gratuitous service” (John Paul II, General Audience (1 August 2001), §5).
Invitation to Parishioners
The altar server ministry is for both children and adults. All members of our parish are invited to serve the eternal High Priest by joining our Altar Server ministry. If you are interested in becoming an altar server, or if your child is interested in becoming an altar server, please add your contact information to the sign-up sheet that is located in the gathering area of our church. To be an altar server, you must have received First Communion. If you have a question about guidelines and restrictions, please see one of our priests.
May the Lord form in each of us a desire to love and serve Him through the ministry He sets before us.