Spiritual Care Volunteers Needed at Hospital – To offer compassionate and nurturing care to the patients, residents, families, as well as staff of St. John’s Medical Center while honoring ethnic, cultural, religious, and lifestyle diversity. We make ourselves available to lis-ten, understand, encourage, and sup-port. When you prayerfully consider this call, we ask that you understand that there is a commitment to serving patients, families, and fellow Spiritual Care Volunteers. Training of new volunteers is set for Saturday, November 4. (Apply by Nov. 1st). To visit about this op-portunity and to register, please contact Joni Upsher, Volunteer Services Coordinator, at 739-7541 o Volunteer@tetonhospital.org or contact any of the current team members from our parish; including Deacon Bill Hill, Suzie Kirvinskee, Mary Carol Staiger or Team Chairman – Stuart Palmer.